16 Days of Activism
CTDC has participated in the 16 Days of activism campaign aiming to raise awareness about violence against all women, including trans and lesbian women. 1morecup in collaboration with Mosaic and in partnership with Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beirut, Intersos, Centre for Transnational Development and Collaboration, Mawjoudin We Exist and Mesahat for Sexual and Gender Diversity, produced two video products narrating the stories of two women, who experiences sexual and gender based violence in Lebanon.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) are still a problem all women face, including gender conforming and gender non-conforming women. Trans and lesbian women face multiple discriminations, not only because of they are women but also because of their gender identity and sexual orientation. The videos aim to show first hand experiences of two women, aiming to raise awareness about the severity of the issues they face.