Invitation for Participation: Consultations Exploring Feminist Peace

In collaboration with WILPF, CTDC is inviting you to participate in a series of online consultations via zoom aiming to explore and scope feminist and women’s work and movements in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine, and particularly these that contribute to a feminist peace agenda. The purpose of these consultations is to better understand […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Trainings in Gender, Sexuality and the Body| A Toolkit for Trainers in Arabic-Speaking Countries

This toolkit provides specific guidance for those interested in gender and sexuality trainings in Arabic-speaking countries. This document is a compilation of tips and advices to educators and trainers around gender and sexuality issues in the Arabic-speaking region.   The toolkit is divided into two main sections, the first section provides guidance in relation to […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Recreating Outsiders: A Response to LGBT-Identity Politics

Recreating Outsiders A Response to LGBT-Identity Politics   In the last weeks CTDC has noticed two major news topics, which have gathered considerable attention centred around Islam and LGBT ‘subjects’: the first, resistance by Muslim parents to ‘No outsiders’ LGBT state education in the UK school system; and the second, recent anti-LGBT state legislation in […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Feminist Studies Mentorship Programme

Feminist Studies Mentorship Programme   In its sixth year of operations, CTDC has decided to formalise its mentorship programme, through opening this call for applications for Feminist Studies Mentorship. The programme, set to begin in October 2019, is designed to further CTDC’s goal to produce intersectional multidisciplinary feminist knowledge, through an approach that is both […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Call for Papers: Decolonising Knowledge around Gender and Sexuality

In collaboration with University College London and Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research, CTDC is delighted to publish its call for papers for its third annual conference, under the title Decolonising Knowledge around Gender and Sexuality. The conference will aim to address issues and challenges related to producing knowledge around gender and sexuality […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Life Quality and Experiences Survey of Non-Normative People in and from Arabic-Speaking Countries – استطلاع نوعية وتجارب حياة الأشخاص غير المعياريين من الدول الناطقة باللغة العربية- Sondage sur les expériences vécues par les personnes non normatives résidantes dans les pays arabophone

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] CTDC is delighted to share with you a survey we designed, to assess the quality of life and experiences of non-normative people in Arabic-speaking countries in diaspora. We have designed this survey over a year, and we have involved over ten people in its design and it has been piloted three […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

End All Forms of Violence Against Women: CTDC Video for 16 Days of Activism

There are different forms of violence practised against women everyday casually, at home, on the streets and in all ways of life. It is important to stand up against all forms of violence against women and raise awareness. هنالك أنواع مختلفة من العنف الممارس ضد النساء يومياً وبشكل “اعتيادي” في المنزل وفي الشوارع وفي كل […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Improving Service Provision for Non-Normative Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK: A Policy Brief

This policy brief focuses on services currently available for non-normative refugees and asylum seekers across the United Kingdom. It illustrates the gaps in service provision, and provides recommendations on how to fill these gaps. The brief shows how legal support is broadly available to non-normative refugees, but there is a lack of collaborative, widespread psychosocial […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Crackdown on Non-Normative People in Egypt

On 22 September 2017, the rainbow flag was raised during a Mashrou’ Leila concert in Cairo, Egypt. Following this, the Egyptian state has conducted an aggressive crackdown on individuals suspected to be members of the LGBT community. This crackdown has seen widespread human rights violations, at the hands of Egyptian authorities, including detentions without trial, […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Crackdown on Non-Normative People in Egypt: A Policy Brief

On 22 September 2017, the rainbow flag was raised during a Mashrou’ Leila concert in Cairo, Egypt. Following this, the Egyptian state has conducted an aggressive crackdown on individuals suspected to be members of the LGBT community. This crackdown has seen widespread human rights violations, at the hands of Egyptian authorities, including detentions without trial, […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Tackling Honour Killings through Sexual and Gender Rights Advocacy: Recommendations for Policy and Practice

Honour killing is a term used to denote a form of gender-based violence in which women, often young and unmarried, are brutally murdered by family members for being allegedly involved in illicit sexual practices, therefore dishonouring herself and her family. There is no accurate or current data on honour killings statistics in the Middle East […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Conceptualising Sexualities in the MENA: Policy Brief

This policy brief builds on the arguments and conclusions set out in CTDC’s publication titled Conceptualising Sexualities in the MENA Region: Undoing LGBTQI Categories. In this document, we compliment this extensive, research-led paper by setting out a number of concrete recommendations for practitioners, policy makers and activists from the region working to improve the situation […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Conceptualising Sexualities in the MENA Region: Undoing LGBTQI Categories

There have been many attempts to address gender and sexual rights in the MENA region, a majority of which have focused on women’s empowerment and gender equality. More recently the rights of LGBTQI people have taken centre stage in development efforts and in the agendas of policy makers. This report highlights some major problems in the […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Inclusive HIV/AIDS Programming in the MENA Region: Policy Brief

Breaking Taboo through Grassroots Advocacy: Inclusive HIV/AIDS Programming in the MENA Region The MENA region receives only a fraction of the total global funds directed toward HIV/AIDS projects. This is despite evidence that HIV/AIDS prevalence is rising in the region at much faster rates than anywhere else in the world, particularly among MSM, LGBT and […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Call for Conference Papers: Politicised Sexualities, Marginalised Histories

CTDC is delighted to publish the call for papers for its second annual conference, under the title of ‘Politicised Sexualities, Marginalised Histories: A Conference on Sexuality in Southwest Asia and North Africa (SWANA)’. This conference is being collaboratively organised by the Centre for Transnational Development and Collaboration- CTDC and the Centre for Gender Studies at SOAS University […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Breaking New Grounds in Tunisia

CTDC, in collaboration with Mawjoudin, has carried out a series of successful workshops on organisational development and strategic thinking. The workshops also focused on sexuality and gender, enabling a lively discussion that was representative of different segments of Tunisian society. The training offered by CTDC focused in particular on improving strategic thinking and planning. Topics […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

UCL Global Citizenship Programme

Last month, CTDC had the pleasure of working with a number of UCL Global Citizenship Programme Interns. During their time at our offices, they put together a brilliant video outlining the situation facing marginalised sexual communities in the Greater Maghreb. The video also highlights the legal challenges confronting marginalised asylum seekers. They also supported CTDC’s Regional […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Statement on the Mass Shooting of LGBTQ Persons in Orlando

Statement on the Mass Shooting of LGBTQ Persons in Orlando We are all incredibly shocked and saddened by the recent death of 49 LGBTQ people at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. We would like to extend our grief to all those affected. We stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ community, as well as the […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Call for Participation- Regional Action Plan for Advocacy

CTDC is delighted to announce the launch of its Gender and Sexuality program in the MENA region, with its first project under the title of LGBTQ Regional Advocacy Action Plan (RAP) in the MENA Region. In partnership with Cecilia Karlstedt Consulting, CTDC is organising two workshops in Turkey for LGBTQ rights activists to come together […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة


 NEWSLETTER: MAY 2016    Call for Participants: LGBTQ Regional Action Plan (RAP) CTDC is delighted to announce the launch of its Gender and Sexuality Program in the MENA region, with its first project under the title of LGBTQ Regional Advocacy Action Plan (RAP) in the MENA Region. Funded by the Swedish Institute- SIDA, and in […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Women and the Global ‘Refugee Crisis’

On March 8, 2016, CTDC directors, Dr Nof Nasser Eddin and Dr Nour Abu Assab, will be speaking at Warwick University Community Speakers Series about Women and the Global Refugee Crisis, focusing on refugee women’s experiences in transit countries and in the UK following their resettlement. The talk will draw from CTDC research findings on […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Hikayetna: Storytelling from Syria

By Sulaiman Osman Hikayetna, meaning ‘our story’ in Arabic, is a new art project that brings people together to talk about the human side of Syrian society. For decades, freedom of expression has been absent from our society, but with our words and our stories we can become united, and feel our humanity, to turn fear […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Gendering the ‘Refugee Crisis’ Conference Sessions

Following the conference held on December 11, 2015, in collaboration with the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance at the Open University, CTDC has made sessions from the conference available to the public via its YouTube Channel. The videos can be used as open source references, and as educational material accessible to those interested in the topic. […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Behind Concrete Walls: On Remand in Amman

Women’s Personal Narratives of Remand Prisons in Jordan  By Anonymous ‘You have had the chance to see it from the inside, journalists and researchers would kill for such an opportunity,’ a colleague told me after having spent a night in a women’s remand prison in Amman, the capital of Jordan. I recognised my privileged research […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Al Rafah Social Care in Palestine

Ageism is a real problem in all societies, as the elderly and senior citizens often face economic and social marginalisation. The manifestations of this form of discriminations differ across societies, as in some societies respect for the elderly is engraved in their cultural codes. In others, the elderly are deemed as old fashioned and their […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Gendering the ‘Refugee Crisis’ Conference

In collaboration with the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance at the Open University, CTDC has organised a half-day conference, on December 11, 2015. The conference offered a pressing critical reflection on the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in Europe. In light of recent heated debates and widespread coverage of Europe’s border controls and the flow of […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

16 Days of Activism

CTDC has participated in the 16 Days of activism campaign aiming to raise awareness about violence against all women, including trans and lesbian women. 1morecup in collaboration with Mosaic and in partnership with Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beirut, Intersos, Centre for Transnational Development and Collaboration, Mawjoudin We Exist and Mesahat for Sexual and Gender Diversity, […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Women Asylum Seekers in the UK – Short Film

In collaboration with Hope Projects in Birmingham, Anti-Type Films and the Twelve 01 Project, CTDC has produced a short documentary film about women asylum seekers in the UK and the challenges they face awaiting their case to be determined. The film is based on interviews with women asylum seekers, academics and practitioners. It highlights many […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Training Workshop for Syrian Women in Reyhanlı

Funded by the UN Democracy Fund, CTDC has provided a training course on women’s rights issues to Zeytuna Project implemented by MANDAT International targeting Syrian refugee women in Reyhanlı. The training course covered topics including the international discourse on women’s rights, local discourses on women’s rights, the construction of gender and sexuality, sexual violence and […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة

Reclaim the Night – Coventry

In March 2015, CTDC has contributed to organising and sponsoring Reclaim the Night Event in Coventry. Reclaim the Night is a women-led event fighting for the right of all women to be out on the street and in public spaces without fear or threat of violence. The event took place on Saturday 7 March 2015, […] Continue Reading متابعة القراءة